Presentation & movie screening in Trnava

Kubik Štefániková 4 91701 Trnava Starting 7pm:   You are invited to a meeting with the Quelili Collective. The people at the presentation will talk about a very interesting project : “We plan to buy a sailing ship in the name of climate justice and international solidarity. We will use it to create exchange possibilities […]

Presentation & movie screening in Cluj Napoca

19:00 in “ Space” @acasaspace on Facebook @a.casacluj on instagram   You are invited to a meeting with the Quelili Collective. The people at the presentation will talk about a very interesting project : “We plan to buy a sailing ship in the name of climate justice and international solidarity. We will use it to […]

Presentation and Movie screening in Sofía, Коприва

Автономно читалище “Коприва” Ul. Struma 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

Kopriva, “Struma” 3, 1202 Sofia Center, Sofia Starting 5pm   You are invited to a meeting with the Quelili Collective. The people at the presentation will talk about a very interesting project : “We plan to buy a sailing ship in the name of climate justice and international solidarity. We will use it to create […]


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